Browse Tag by Dark Park
Blog Tour, Featuring Author, New Release

Featuring Author Kathe Koja

Spotlighting Author Kathe Koja and her new release DARK PARK!

Title: Dark Park
Author: Kathe Koja
Genre: Speculative Fiction / SciFi / LGBT / Literary
Release Date: September 19, 2023

The only thing wilder than a night at the club is the morning after, in Paradise.

DARK FACTORY opened the doors to a reality-bending dance club, an online immersive portal, and the feeling that the whole world is on the brink of something new.  DARK PARK takes you there.

DARK PARK follows documentary filmmaker Sergey Kendricks as he tracks Ari Regon and Felix the DJ through the fever and chaos of stardom and celebrity culture, while Max Caspar quests deeper into the unstable gaming landscape of Birds of Paradise: pursued and idolized by fans, acolytes, haters, and schemers, all dazed by beauty and searching for the end of the end of the world. Join us at The story has already begun.

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