It’s time to shake your rump-ah! Because my WIP typo this week came from my TRACE rough draft. I had to share it because it made me titter. So many butts in one damned place.

I thought I would get a chance to write more over the holiday weekend but in honesty, my husband had time off and I’m a needy little git at times. I was constantly insisting we nap together. I love sleeping. I mean dreaming is where I get most of my ideas, so sleep is one of my favorite things. However, it is hard to write with someone who has ADHD sitting next to you–and that isn’t like a throwaway comment. He’s diagnosed and needs constant stimulus, whereas I’m a complete introvert that needs total quiet 24/7. Together, we are the odd couple and he tends to drive me a little insane with wanting to watch tv and stuff and I want to write… I am trying to finish a book and all.
I thought the book would be done yesterday… but no. I’m close, still have 5 chapters yet to finish. Not a ton, but enough to leave me feeling like I’m out of control. I am over word count which is goodish. It means I met my goal, it’s better to be over than under. I’m at 75,000 right now.
Lastly, since I missed Teaser Tuesday yesterday! Here we are. The first official TRACE teaser.