I am so dang close to finishing the first draft of SHELBY it gives me the shakes to stop. But I’m in San Diego, at my hotel, and I have hours tomorrow morning to write, while at the moment, I’m so exhausted I can barely see straight. I leave tomorrow afternoon to head up to Pasadena for Pokemón Go Fest at the Rose Bowl Stadium on Saturday. Sunday and Monday, my bestie, Stay Sea, and I will wander the streets of LA in the rain and play tourist before heading back Monday evening. Then I’m back here for a few days before getting back on a plane to Pennsylvania.
I’m going to be real with you. California still feels like home. It could be because my best friend is here and she’s home for me. Whatever it is, it makes it really easy to be here.
So, I will finish the SHELBY alpha draft tomorrow. ROAN’s alpha draft is complete already. I’m finishing SHELBY before ROAN because it’s supposed to be a Valentine’s story, and I’d like to get it out somewhat timely… even if it is late. Then, I will work on ROAN.
The alpha draft for the book after is already written. I will release the YA Dystopian story under the pen name Clare Lukas, my new YA brand.
I’m posting a little teaser here for you. I hope you enjoy it.