Somnolence, Trace, WIP Wednesday, Writing

✨✨WIP-It Wednesday✨✨

Thursday July 14, 2022

It’s WIP Wednesday again, and I’ve moved on to the printed manuscript of TRACE. This is what I read while the Betas are reading the digital document and making comments. I red mark my book, pick out errors and make notes where I need to build up areas. I also make notes where teasers and excerpts are… even though the one at the bottom of this page looks like the word ‘treason.’

So, going back to the Betas, we have a handful of active, awesome kittens for TRACE. So far, we’ve had some good feedback. A lot of constructive critiquing that will make the story better, which I love. I don’t get bent out of shape about it. I was an art major in college and critiquing was harsh in photography courses, and you learned to take the hits. I once took photos of three feed silos and got told the perspective I took them in made them look like stunted dicks. So… yeah.

I have the cover reveal for TRACE scheduled with Xpresso Tours on August 9. The cover is smexy AF. I know I’m biased, but I’m also an expert in my field. That is a joke, I’m merely advanced in my knowledge.

In other news, having buttoned up TRACE and sent him off to the girls, I’ve been bored as all get out. I promised my husband I would take a month off of writing. I have two Cons coming up and travel over a three-week period but I’ve also been writing straight through since January. Time off is difficult, to say the least. So, I started brainstorming JONAH. I have the first ten chapters outlined, a ton of notes written out and a developed plot sketch. I’m a little blurry on the only character that might have the story hinging on him, JONAH. That will come.

JONAH is planned to come out in November though. I will start writing his story next.

But fear not, I have something coming out in between the two books. TPTB bundle you’ve been waiting for! Yes, The Powers That Be will be bundled and coming out October 11. I have the cover already created by the incomparable, Marcos Nogueira, who does almost all my artwork.

Thanks for checking in!

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