Featuring Poetess Jazalyn today celebrating her work!

Title: vViIrRuUsS – I Never Forget
Author: Jazalyn
Genre: Poetry
Release Date: December 18, 2020

Three robotic viruses are released from unknown forces and compete with each other exposing crimes, with humanity’s scale of existence oscillating between total destruction and reinventing recovery.
An AWAKENING for the HIDDEN reality.
A MADNESS pandemic.
Whose VIRUS is which?
Is it too late for reinstating?
The PANIC button pushed.
An attempt to erase the MEMORIES.
Can an EVIL virus SAVE the world?
A post-apocalyptic techno thriller poetic novel that emulates psychological reactions of a serious medical and technological global emergency and provides philosophical insights on the world’s best direction.
It’s unfair
To be guilty
When no one
Is innocent

With 150,000+ engagements and 20,000+ followers that grow more and more across 7 social media platforms, Jazalyn is among the most-promising newcomers authors-poets.
Her books have sold in 4 Continents and have been featured on best-seller category-based lists on Amazon US, Amazon UK and Amazon AU. Soon she will expand in every corner of the Earth.
Jazalyn attracts all cultures and traditions with an audience from all walks and stages of life as a consequence of the universal atmosphere that encircles her themes.
Her innovative and versatile writing style stemming from abstraction and absurdness captivates mystery and suspense with words swimming in surrealism and magical realism.
Her imaginative and inventive narration unites the philosophical with the psychological and the scientific elements of both fantasy and fiction that create and solve riddles and puzzles.
In what results as a contemporary genre of cinematic (epic) poetry in slice of life-vignette expression which provokes thinking and eyes new horizons.
Jazalyn’s art is purposely colorful, geometrical and fashionable in its totality to match the aesthetics of a qualitative artfulness which expands the consciousness of an enlightenment painted in a kind of mysticism and spirituality that knows no boundaries.
Her latest books vViIrRuUsS, Rose, Hollow signify Jazalyn’s transition towards literary magnificence.