I’m a day late for WIP Wednesday because I just over adulted yesterday after I wrote, and I also had plans… I had to nap for last night (Go San Diego Gulls!). So, I did not get my WIP done in time. I suck. But you know, life is just like that at times.
Where are you on RENLEY, Ali? Why are you talking in third person?
I don’t know why I’m talking in third person–must be a sign of hysteria.
I am at the point where I invited my alpha readers in to look at the first half of the manuscript and the response has been, some chit-chat. Raylene and Bri were talking amongst one another last night while I was at the game.
All I will say is Shelby needs more love peeps. Love Shelby! He’s a sweetheart.
So my typo for the week is this… I need help, no one wants to eat toads. She was supposed to be making TOAST.