Browse Category by Jonah
Jonah, Somnolence, Teaser Tuesday, Writing

Teaser Tuesday

I finished JONAH on Sunday night, which was a relief. The book went out to the beta readers on Monday morning, and I thought that I would sleep for a week… but instead I woke up at 4 a.m. yesterday morning with the heroine from Renley’s book screaming inside my head to let her out so I started his book. I’m four chapters in, and really happy with how it’s going. Originally, I was thinking RENLEY wouldn’t see the light of day until May, but at this point… his book might be out late March/the start of April.

But today is Teaser Tuesday, and you are getting a tease on JONAH! Here is a little peek at Vivi and Lizzy.

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Jonah, Somnolence, WIP Wednesday

WIPs And Swirlies Excite Me

This typo made me laugh aloud, and my husband thought I was demented. I am demented, but give me a little credit. This wasn’t the only indication.

I am now on chapter 14 of my last draft. Next, it goes to betas, and then the final draft will be done before it goes to the formatter. I’m terribly excited now because JONAH is finally coming together. And this is how we come to a swirly…

Jonah, Teaser Tuesday

Teasing Me, Teasing You

I am so excited to share this with you. But I’m in the middle of writing so you get little introduction. Other than to say, Chapter 4 will break your heart. 💔

Jonah, WIP Wednesday, Writing

WIP it… Just WIP it.

I’m on chapter 27… hallelujah! I have two days to write 13,000 words to reach deadline… whhhhhhhat?

Yes, both are true. I just wrote the pivotal moment of the book where the story comes to a climax, and now I need a resolution. Okay, easy peasy–or it would be if I knew what came next. If I had any clue.

But I do have something for you. My Alpha reader Abbie found this shining exhibit of my ability to describe one eyebrow.

Jonah, Teaser Tuesday

Tease, Tease, Tease…

Oh, my goodness. I recovered from one illness just to get another. I’m trying to finish the first draft of JONAH, so I cry uncle on this bullshit. I need a break. But you know, it’s time for a little teasing, and I have something for you. It’s a snippet of Nix and Lizzy, whose relationship is akin to brother and sister and whom I love together in JONAH.

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