Browse Category by Teaser Tuesday
Cover Reveal, Somnolence, Teaser Tuesday, Trace

💕Cover Reveal for TRACE💕

It’s finally TRACE’s cover reveal and I’m so excited. Xpresso Book Tours is handling my cover reveal and Giselle and her hosts are doing an amazing job. I can’t tell you how impressed I am with the response I’ve had so far because this is only a few hours into the cover reveal and most of the time I don’t see much until the end of the day.

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Somnolence, Teaser Tuesday, Trace

Just to Tease your Tuesday

It’s another Tuesday… they keep happening. It’s like they’re weekly or something.

I have another Trace teaser for you. I love this guy he’s tender, filthy and full of feels. Raiden is definitely special, but Trace is my kind of dude. I’d be all over him.

I love me a hot mess of a man.

Somnolence, Teaser Tuesday, Trace

TRACE Teaser Tuesday!

It’s Teaser Tuesday, and I’m so excited because I remembered to post on the correct day… and I don’t mean just any day that ends in Y, but an actual TUESDAY!

Hallelujah and amen, even.

So, here it is. You get to know what Vivi was thinking when she first saw Trace. I love this girl (no offense Lilah-pet).

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Raiden, Somnolence, Teaser Tuesday

The Last RAIDEN Teaser Tuesday

Today’s Teaser Tuesday is the last week of RAIDEN. Next week I’ll start posting teasers of TRACE. I’m so excited to be bringing you this teaser because it’s a blend of both. It’s a teaser about Trace and Vivi from RAIDEN.

And let’s also say, everyone that is anyone who knows me, is so excited that I got the math correct here!

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Raiden, Somnolence, Teaser Tuesday

❤️❤️❤️ Teaser Tuesday! ❤️❤️❤️

It’s Teaser Tuesday and it feels like it was just like… yesterday that I missed last Teaser Tuesday! But I’m on point this week: I’ve done the newsletter, I’ve posted to Instagram which posts to Facebook. I’m doing here in conjunction with doing my Goodreads blog AND I wrote 800 words in one hour on Trace’s second draft– I wrote sexond draft which might be more appropriate for Vivi and Trace.

Trace is coming along really well and you will start getting teasers from his book in a few weeks. Raiden deserves a little more love yet.

Here it is…

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Raiden, Somnolence, Teaser Tuesday, Trace, WIP Wednesday, Writing

WIP Wednesday with a Teaser Tuesday stuck in

So I’m working on Trace and just finished the rough draft this morning. Yay!

It was really a challenge because I’ve been sick for a week. I’ve luckily caught neither COVID or strep, but I feel pretty wretched. I’ve been sleeping a lot and when not sleeping I’m eating and trying to stay awake and do my Duolingo–which let me tell you is dificíl with a sore throat and no voice. But I persisted and completed Trace and now I can take a nap after I do this post.

So I don’t know if I was talking about raccoons or ragoons but one of these things is not like the other.

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Teaser Tuesday, Wishcraft

Teaser Tuesday: Some Whisper for you…

This weeks Teaser Tuesday is a little snippet of Thea and Whisper. Whisper is already sick of her crap and it’s like page negative five. Whisper is one of my favorite characters to write. I love the taciturn, snark, and unexpected dirty that comes from his mouth. Here, he’s just being a loyal friend.

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Teaser Tuesday, Wishcraft

Wishcraft: Teaser Tuesday

It’s been a while. I got unbelievably busy and I just don’t multitask well. But Wishcraft is only weeks from release and the final deadline is upon us. Oh god, it’s exhausting. I mean I live, breathe, and sweat this book. My sister spent Christmas with me and she felt a little insulted by how distracted I’ve been. But worse, I am releasing my book on her birthday! Muhahaha. I released my first book on my mom’s. My next book will be on another family member’s. I’m terrible with dates and if they can all be bound up together with important events than they will be easier to celebrate. Or so I try to defend myself.

So here is the Wishcraft teaser for this week.

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