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Renley, Somnolence, WIP Wednesday, Writing

The Garden Wednesday WIP

I’m almost done with RENLEY–well, the first draft. I still have to do the hard work and the rework of it and do it in a tight deadline because I’m going to Las Vegas with my bestie for a few days on a girls’ weekend. I’ll be starting the rewrite on Saturday, watching the Superbowl on Sunday… so any writing I get done that day will be done EARLY… very early, since I get up at 0400-0500. It shouldn’t be a problem. Yes, I use twenty-four hour time. Hey, my husband used to do international travel for work, and it was the easiest way for us to sync up since most countries in Europe use it too. We never stopped using it. I also tend to write dates in European standard and use Celsius.

I suck like that, and Bri is generally correcting my date usage, and ignoring my Celsius claims.

So, here is my typo of the week. It would seem there is a sneaky camera in their gardening equipment. My characters are bizarre and do weird things. Why wouldn’t they put surveillance equipment in a hoe?

Jonah, Somnolence, Teaser Tuesday, Writing

Teaser Tuesday

I finished JONAH on Sunday night, which was a relief. The book went out to the beta readers on Monday morning, and I thought that I would sleep for a week… but instead I woke up at 4 a.m. yesterday morning with the heroine from Renley’s book screaming inside my head to let her out so I started his book. I’m four chapters in, and really happy with how it’s going. Originally, I was thinking RENLEY wouldn’t see the light of day until May, but at this point… his book might be out late March/the start of April.

But today is Teaser Tuesday, and you are getting a tease on JONAH! Here is a little peek at Vivi and Lizzy.

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Jonah, WIP Wednesday, Writing

WIP it… Just WIP it.

I’m on chapter 27… hallelujah! I have two days to write 13,000 words to reach deadline… whhhhhhhat?

Yes, both are true. I just wrote the pivotal moment of the book where the story comes to a climax, and now I need a resolution. Okay, easy peasy–or it would be if I knew what came next. If I had any clue.

But I do have something for you. My Alpha reader Abbie found this shining exhibit of my ability to describe one eyebrow.

Teaser Tuesday, WIP Wednesday, Writing

Taking Up My Slack Thursday

I’m behind and literally treading water. In case you missed it, my life got crazy and I soon followed. I just got back from a trip home to my family because my dad was badly injured. I returned home to San Diego, read JONAH only to sink into a depressive dismay that demanded immediate action to improve where I was going with my story. It smells like a dung heap.

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WIP Wednesday, Writing

WIP Wednesday


So my dad was on a ladder on top of scaffolding, something he would kick our asses for doing, and he fell. He broke a lot of bones and has been through two surgeries now and has so much metal in him that he could be mistaken for a cyborg. His rib surgery alone took 8 hours because all of the ribs on one side were fractured. One of his lungs was punctured and they needed to clean the bone fragments from it. But it gets better, he broken ribs on the other side too. His pelvis was broken. His clavicle and his scapula were also fractured.

Good thing he didn’t bruise his brain–we already know that wasn’t working since he put a ladder on top of scaffolding.

Needless to say, I’ve not got much done because I’m all sorts of a mess. My family is on the other side of the country and we are trying to figure out if I’m flying out to gather my sister and bring her out here with me while my dad recoups. My dad and sister are like two cats in a bag they aggravate one another. If she comes out here then they can both relax and appreciate one another.

All this said… if you suddenly see a catastrophic fall with epic surgery pop up in JONAH I’m just writing what I know. 😆

WIP Wednesday, Writing

WIP Wednesday – How To Get Inspired

So no other way to say it.


Kill me now.

JONAH is the second time I’ve been novelly challenged. The first time it happened, I moved on and wrote RAIDEN in one week, but that isn’t a luxury I have right now. I have to find inspiration in this clusterfuck that I call JONAH. Luckily while at Books At The Beach, I was around other authors much more experienced than me and one of them blessed me with a suggestion that I’m taking to heart. I’m reading RAIDEN and TRACE to get a sense of Jonah’s voice and where Lizzy and he are in their story.

Thanks for all the advice, those authors I spoke with, your knowledge is invaluable.

Also, The Powers That Be bundle is coming out!

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Jonah, Somnolence, Writing

WIP Wednesday – Jonah’s a jerk

I’m still struggling with this manuscript. Won’t lie, I just don’t have the asshat, Jonah’s voice. I’m so ready to can him and write someone else’s book. But, in the meantime, I do have some images that I’m using for inspiration.

That’s what I have for you this week, two of my inspiration images.

Lizzy’s bathing suit from chapter one
Jonah’s rib tattoo on his right side
Jonah, WIP Wednesday, Writing

WIP Wednesday – JONAH Fi-nah-lee!

I started working on JONAH on Monday and I’m tired. Writing is exhausting. I’m on an intensive schedule for the rough draft and supposed to be doing roughly 5000 words/day. I don’t wanna write anymore and it’s the third day.

But I do have a WIP hot mess to share. This one is in chapter 3. There is a lot of reaching out and pulling out (get your mind out of the gutter) going on here.

JONAH’s rough draft should be done by the end of the month… or when my soul rots, whichever comes first.

Jonah, WIP Wednesday, Writing

WIP Wednesday: Plotting and Outlining

First, let me just tell you… I could not spell outlining to save my life and had no idea how I was spelling it wrong until I realized I left out the ‘line’ part.

My brain is fried.

So JONAH is next, and I start his book on Monday. I have a schedule already set out for the rough draft. I have August 15th to the 31st to write it. Then, I go into my second draft which is from September 1st – October 1st. It then goes to the betas before I get it for the final draft.

Right now… plotting and outlining.


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Trace, WIP Wednesday, Writing

WIP Wednesday: What Beta Reading/Editing Really Looks Like

The betas are working on their read-through of TRACE, and Bri just started her final edits. We will be doing our tandem edits this weekend before sending out the book for formatting. This is a snapshot of what part of the first page looks like right now though. However, this doesn’t include my corrections and changes, since I have a different method of doing a ‘final pass.’ Which means reading it on paper and red marking the fuck out of it. Right now, none of my edits have hit this thing yet. I will also make final changes to the story as I catch continuity issues or story flaws. And I’ve caught a few.

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