Browse Tag by WIP Wednesday
Jonah, Somnolence, WIP Wednesday

Just WIP it. To Mow or To Moan

Yes! To mow or to moan, that is the question. I apparently think that they mow when they get sexy. A little gardening is appropriate during intimate times, perhaps? Maybe, man or ladyscaping?

I just wrote the book, I’m not sure what the sentence means!

Maybe in this book Lizzy’s a gardener, she could have take up landscaping arts. You can’t know if I don’t!

Jonah, WIP Wednesday, Writing

WIP Wednesday – JONAH Fi-nah-lee!

I started working on JONAH on Monday and I’m tired. Writing is exhausting. I’m on an intensive schedule for the rough draft and supposed to be doing roughly 5000 words/day. I don’t wanna write anymore and it’s the third day.

But I do have a WIP hot mess to share. This one is in chapter 3. There is a lot of reaching out and pulling out (get your mind out of the gutter) going on here.

JONAH’s rough draft should be done by the end of the month… or when my soul rots, whichever comes first.

Jonah, WIP Wednesday, Writing

WIP Wednesday: Plotting and Outlining

First, let me just tell you… I could not spell outlining to save my life and had no idea how I was spelling it wrong until I realized I left out the ‘line’ part.

My brain is fried.

So JONAH is next, and I start his book on Monday. I have a schedule already set out for the rough draft. I have August 15th to the 31st to write it. Then, I go into my second draft which is from September 1st – October 1st. It then goes to the betas before I get it for the final draft.

Right now… plotting and outlining.


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Trace, WIP Wednesday, Writing

WIP Wednesday: What Beta Reading/Editing Really Looks Like

The betas are working on their read-through of TRACE, and Bri just started her final edits. We will be doing our tandem edits this weekend before sending out the book for formatting. This is a snapshot of what part of the first page looks like right now though. However, this doesn’t include my corrections and changes, since I have a different method of doing a ‘final pass.’ Which means reading it on paper and red marking the fuck out of it. Right now, none of my edits have hit this thing yet. I will also make final changes to the story as I catch continuity issues or story flaws. And I’ve caught a few.

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Somnolence, Trace, WIP Wednesday, Writing

✨✨WIP-It Wednesday✨✨

It’s WIP Wednesday again, and I’ve moved on to the printed manuscript of TRACE. This is what I read while the Betas are reading the digital document and making comments. I red mark my book, pick out errors and make notes where I need to build up areas. I also make notes where teasers and excerpts are… even though the one at the bottom of this page looks like the word ‘treason.’

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Somnolence, Trace, WIP Wednesday, Writing

✍️ WIP Wednesday Bear Skins And All

Hello, welcome to a lovely Wednesday! It’s Hump Day and that means another one of my updates, as well as a typo. Today’s typo is lovely… I mean bare skin, bear skin… who could confuse them?

I’m on chapter 17 of the second draft of TRACE. If you’ve read my previous WIPs, you know that I take my original draft, print it out and start an entirely new document. It’s going well. My word goal for draft two is 70,000, and I’m a little over halfway through the draft and at 73% of my goal. That will put this book likely at 80,000-85,000, which is quite typical for one of my books. The exception being Ethereal Bodies, which was close to 94,000.

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Somnolence, Trace, WIP Wednesday, Writing

Another WIP Wednesday

We are hard at work on TRACE. I’m 10 chapters in on the second draft which means I should be done by the end of the month if not a little sooner.

My process is to do the first draft, print it out and then rewrite it all over again in a new document with new content, cutting out excess, so it’s damn near close to what I want minus editing and beta feedback. Trust me to misspell the word shudder once in every book and for it to get through editing. It ALWAYS happens. Generally, it’s caught by an ARC reader when it’s too late. But it will be fixed in future editions when they are eventually published.

One of my WIP image today shows a snippet of two things: I can’t use a comma correctly and Bri was making changes back in 1969 the other night. I thought it was hilarious and I included it. There is another image inside this post with a TRACE WIP snippet so click to read more!

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Raiden, Somnolence, Teaser Tuesday, Trace, WIP Wednesday, Writing

WIP Wednesday with a Teaser Tuesday stuck in

So I’m working on Trace and just finished the rough draft this morning. Yay!

It was really a challenge because I’ve been sick for a week. I’ve luckily caught neither COVID or strep, but I feel pretty wretched. I’ve been sleeping a lot and when not sleeping I’m eating and trying to stay awake and do my Duolingo–which let me tell you is dificíl with a sore throat and no voice. But I persisted and completed Trace and now I can take a nap after I do this post.

So I don’t know if I was talking about raccoons or ragoons but one of these things is not like the other.

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