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Featuring Author

Featuring Author Tera Lyn Cortez

I’m very excited to share this spotlight with Tera Lyn Cortez!

Title: Crescent Marked (StarHaven Sanctuary #1)
Author: Tera Lyn Cortez
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy
Release Date: May 28, 2021

StarHaven Sanctuary is full of secrets, and some of them are deadly.

Strange books fill the attic. The crumbling temple hides a darkness clamoring to be released. Even the wolves the sanctuary was created to protect are far more than meets the eye.

Leah must discover the cause of her aunts death before she suffers the same fate, all while coming to terms with her own newly-discovered magic. As she races to learn all that is hidden within the sanctuary boundaries she stumbles upon some dangerous enemies, but also meets some new friends…

Together, can they beat back the evil waiting to consume them all?

Download this engaging story now to find out.

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Renley, Somnolence, WIP Wednesday, Writing

The Garden Wednesday WIP

I’m almost done with RENLEY–well, the first draft. I still have to do the hard work and the rework of it and do it in a tight deadline because I’m going to Las Vegas with my bestie for a few days on a girls’ weekend. I’ll be starting the rewrite on Saturday, watching the Superbowl on Sunday… so any writing I get done that day will be done EARLY… very early, since I get up at 0400-0500. It shouldn’t be a problem. Yes, I use twenty-four hour time. Hey, my husband used to do international travel for work, and it was the easiest way for us to sync up since most countries in Europe use it too. We never stopped using it. I also tend to write dates in European standard and use Celsius.

I suck like that, and Bri is generally correcting my date usage, and ignoring my Celsius claims.

So, here is my typo of the week. It would seem there is a sneaky camera in their gardening equipment. My characters are bizarre and do weird things. Why wouldn’t they put surveillance equipment in a hoe?

Blog Tour, Featuring Author, New Release

Featuring Author Julia Bennet

Celebrating Author Julia Bennet’s new release The Worst Woman in London!

Title: The Worst Woman in London
Author: Julia Bennet
Genre: Adult, Historical, Historical Romance
Release Date: February 2, 2023

A defiant Victorian wife fights to escape a bad marriage but her love for a forbidden man jeopardizes her chance at freedom.

James Standish knows how to play society’s game. He’ll follow the rules, marry a virginal debutante, and inherit a massive fortune. At least, that’s the plan until he meets Francesca Thorne. She’s not the sort of woman a respectable gentleman like James could ever marry—not least because, strictly speaking, she’s married already.

Francesca is determined to flout convention and divorce her philandering husband. When James sweet talks his way into her life tasked with convincing her to abandon her dream of freedom, she’s unprepared for the passion that flares between them.

Torn apart by conflicting desires, James and Francesca must choose whether to keep chasing the lives they’ve always wanted or take a chance on a new and forbidden love.

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Renley, Somnolence, WIP Wednesday

Eye of toads WIP… Thursday?

I’m a day late for WIP Wednesday because I just over adulted yesterday after I wrote, and I also had plans… I had to nap for last night (Go San Diego Gulls!). So, I did not get my WIP done in time. I suck. But you know, life is just like that at times.

Where are you on RENLEY, Ali? Why are you talking in third person?

I don’t know why I’m talking in third person–must be a sign of hysteria.

I am at the point where I invited my alpha readers in to look at the first half of the manuscript and the response has been, some chit-chat. Raylene and Bri were talking amongst one another last night while I was at the game.

All I will say is Shelby needs more love peeps. Love Shelby! He’s a sweetheart.

So my typo for the week is this… I need help, no one wants to eat toads. She was supposed to be making TOAST.

Featuring Author, New Release

Featuring Vic Leigh

Celebrating romantic suspense author Vic Leigh this week!

Title: Buck (Stover Ranch #1)
Author: Vic Leigh
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date:
January 28, 2023

🌶️ Hot and Spicy
🤠 Cowboys
🗡️ Murder
😟 Suspense
🪢 Kidnapping

My brothers, sister, and I inherited the fifty-thousand-acre ranch in North Texas after my parents are killed. When dead bodies start showing up on our ranch, the North Texas Medical Examiner shows up with an attitude. This sassy, sexy as sin woman, comes in and turns my life upside down. I’m trying to figure out where the old Buck Stover went, she’s turned me inside out.

Being the leading and youngest ME in the state of Texas, is a hard job, but I love it. When I get a call to go to the Stover Ranch to inspect a body, I find that someone has touched it and go off on them. That big, hunky cowboy decides to yell at me, and I won’t take it.

Finding ourselves in the barn on a rainy night, one thing leads to another, and we find out just how hot the s*x is. She heads out the next morning to get to her lab, but never makes it. Now, I have dead bodies piling up and the woman I want more than life itself, missing. What the hell am I going to do? Who’s dumping dead bodies on my ranch?

Where is Kristie?

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Featuring Author

Featuring Author Nephrys Darkwater

Welcoming the fabulous new author Nephrys Darkwater today!

Title: Lotus (Dark Lotus Chronicles #1)
Author: Nephrys Darkwater
Genre: Romantic Fantasy
Release Date: April 30, 2018

When the world self-destructs, literally, does that truly mean the end? Es is finally starting to feel like things are looking up when she lands her dream job as a photographer – until unprecedented earthquakes send her and everyone else plummeting into oblivion. By the time she realizes she’s not dead, she’s being chased by monsters, seeing a green sky, pulled by magnetic crystals, and to top it all off, she finds herself captured aboard a space-ship and held prisoner with two nightmarish creatures watching her every move. 

Valdrik has been searching for his long-lost beloved for over four hundred years after her mother and eldest brother, Kalis, were brutally murdered by her father. When he finds her at last, she has no memory of who she really is. Once she finally learns her forgotten past, they must trust each other in a race to stop her father, the Elven King, and rescue her siblings from his atrocities – before they all end up dead.

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