Browse Tag by Somnolence
Teaser Tuesday, WIP Wednesday, Writing

Taking Up My Slack Thursday

I’m behind and literally treading water. In case you missed it, my life got crazy and I soon followed. I just got back from a trip home to my family because my dad was badly injured. I returned home to San Diego, read JONAH only to sink into a depressive dismay that demanded immediate action to improve where I was going with my story. It smells like a dung heap.

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Jonah, Somnolence, Writing

WIP Wednesday – Jonah’s a jerk

I’m still struggling with this manuscript. Won’t lie, I just don’t have the asshat, Jonah’s voice. I’m so ready to can him and write someone else’s book. But, in the meantime, I do have some images that I’m using for inspiration.

That’s what I have for you this week, two of my inspiration images.

Lizzy’s bathing suit from chapter one
Jonah’s rib tattoo on his right side
New Release, Somnolence, Trace


It’s release day! I’ve waited all summer for this! I’ve been getting great feedback on this book. So excited.

It is, however, written by Miss Ali and I will always one-click her work. She’s that good and the journey Trace and Vivi take us on is messy, yo. Messy. It is also beautiful, musical, truthful, traumatic. Just. Like. Life.

Booknook Reviews

I enjoyed this continuation of the series with Trace and Vivi.

Booksprout Reviewer

Absolutely fabulous book, couldn’t but it down up till 3am on a school night good, even better than Raiden…

Booksprout Reviewer

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Jonah, Somnolence, WIP Wednesday

Just WIP it. To Mow or To Moan

Yes! To mow or to moan, that is the question. I apparently think that they mow when they get sexy. A little gardening is appropriate during intimate times, perhaps? Maybe, man or ladyscaping?

I just wrote the book, I’m not sure what the sentence means!

Maybe in this book Lizzy’s a gardener, she could have take up landscaping arts. You can’t know if I don’t!

Jonah, WIP Wednesday, Writing

WIP Wednesday: Plotting and Outlining

First, let me just tell you… I could not spell outlining to save my life and had no idea how I was spelling it wrong until I realized I left out the ‘line’ part.

My brain is fried.

So JONAH is next, and I start his book on Monday. I have a schedule already set out for the rough draft. I have August 15th to the 31st to write it. Then, I go into my second draft which is from September 1st – October 1st. It then goes to the betas before I get it for the final draft.

Right now… plotting and outlining.


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Somnolence, Teaser Tuesday, Trace

Just to Tease your Tuesday

It’s another Tuesday… they keep happening. It’s like they’re weekly or something.

I have another Trace teaser for you. I love this guy he’s tender, filthy and full of feels. Raiden is definitely special, but Trace is my kind of dude. I’d be all over him.

I love me a hot mess of a man.

Somnolence, Teaser Tuesday, Trace

TRACE Teaser Tuesday!

It’s Teaser Tuesday, and I’m so excited because I remembered to post on the correct day… and I don’t mean just any day that ends in Y, but an actual TUESDAY!

Hallelujah and amen, even.

So, here it is. You get to know what Vivi was thinking when she first saw Trace. I love this girl (no offense Lilah-pet).

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